How to create a Token in the Dashboard
To use Poix API endpoints to get data, you’ll need a Token, such keys works in a scope of one project. You can create the Token in the Tokens page in Dashboard or using API endpoint.
How to create a token
Open Dashboard
Go to the Tokens page in the Dashboard.
Click on 'Add token' button
Click on the ‘Add token’ button to create a new token.
Specify name for your new token
Specify the name for your new token. It will help you to identify the token later.
Copy newly generated secret key
Once token is created, you will see the secret key. You can copy it and use in your requests.
That’s it! Keep it safe and don’t share it with anyone. If you think your key has been compromised, you can always regenerate it.
If you created token with secret key poix-Q2jffUdt6dlG0Jb2UnB
, use it in your requests like this: